2025 Salem and Gloucester County Teen Arts Festival
Appel Farm is excited to host the 2025 Salem and Gloucester County Teen Arts Festival on Wednesday, April 9, 2025! We welcome teens ages 13 - 19 from Salem and Gloucester Counties to participate in art workshops, adjudicated performances, portfolio reviews, and fun!
The Festival will be held on Appel Farm’s campus, located at 457 Shirley Road, Elmer, NJ, from 9:00am - 3:30pm.
Registration is closed for 2025.
(Please note - when registering, each school must designate one primary contact on behalf of all participants from that school, regardless of students’ individual disciplines and regardless of the number of participating teachers from that school.)
2025 Festival Rates
EARLY BIRD RATES - Register before December 31
- $325 per school
- $20 per individual
REGULAR RATES - Register January 1 - January 31
- $350 per school
- $25 per individual entry
Important Information, Dates & Forms
- Registration Form - Due by 1/31/25
The first step of the process is to complete the Registration Form. ALL REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31st.
Any registrations received after this date will not be accepted into the festival. Only submit one registration per school, please.
Each school must designate one primary contact on behalf of all participants from that school (regardless of students’ individual disciplines). The coordinator will receive all information about the Festival, including the discipline-specific submission form and the “Know Before You Go” packet. Please coordinate communication for all educators and chaperones within your group to ensure that details are shared out by the primary contact person.
Teen Arts 2025 Registration Form
- Submission Forms - Due by 2/28/25
Once you have completed the Registration Form and receive your introductory email from Appel Farm, your next step will be to complete a discipline-specific submission form.
Performing Arts Submission Form
Visual Arts/Film/Creative Writing Submission Form
This form must be completed with all details in order for your submission(s) to be entered for adjudication. Schools who have multiple acts/pieces being entered for adjudication must submit a new form for each unique entry.
All participating schools or individuals will be required to complete the submission form(s) no later than February 28, 2025.
- Transportation and Timing
The Festival will run from 9am – 3:00pm. Please plan your transportation accordingly. We cannot adjust our adjudication or workshop schedule to accommodate late arrivals or early departures. The campus will be open for arrivals at 8:30am and close to departures at 3:00pm. Participating students and chaperones must arrive on site and check in by 9:00am. Workshops and adjudications will begin promptly at 9:15am.
- Visual Art Drop-off
Visual Art entries will need to be dropped off and/or hung in advance of April 9th.
If you intend to drop off your artwork to be hung by an Appel Farm staff member, you must plan to drop off the week of March 31st or Monday, April 7th between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm. Teachers who will hang their students’ artwork must do so Monday, April 7th from 4:30p-6:30p.
You will be asked to confirm your drop off or hang time in advance, no later than Friday, March 28th.
- Workshop Schedule & Lunch
A workshop schedule will be sent out prior to your arrival, as part of our “Know Before You Go” packet. There is no pre-registration for workshops.
Attendees may bring lunch or purchase food from food trucks. A list of on-site food options will be sent prior to your arrival, as part of our “Know Before You Go” packet.
- Adjudication Results
Within one week following the regional competition, Appel Farm will share the adjudication results with school representatives and individual entrants. All students nominated to the State Competition will be required to sign and return a waiver form in order to participate at the State level.
Learn More About Adjudication
Students in each discipline will be evaluated and scored by professionals according to a matrix scoring system. Top students in each category will be nominated to the 2025 State Teen Arts Festival.
Each discipline has specific guidelines that must be followed in order for a submission to qualify for adjudication. Participants who do not follow these guidelines will not be nominated to the state level.
Visual Arts: Each student may submit up to two (2) pieces for each category (2D and 3D).
Creative Writing: Each student may submit up to two (2) creative writing entries.
Performing Arts: Each student may enter for adjudication one (1) solo or small group entry within each category of musical, vocal, dance, or instrumental performance. Each school may enter for adjudication one (1) large group dance performance.