Residencies & Professional Learning

Residencies in Schools

We believe that arts in schools transform teaching and learning, and have a life-long, positive impact on students, teachers, and communities. We offer both in-school and after-school residency programs through two primary methods: arts-integration and art for art’s sake.

All residencies align with NJ Visual and Performing Arts/National Core Arts Standards and are customizable to your school or organization’s specific needs. 

Residencies in Community

Arts learning isn’t just for schools! People of all ages and abilities will benefit from an arts residency experience. 

Appel Farm connects with partner organizations that provide social services and healthcare to a diverse range of people to reach children and families who otherwise may not have access to the arts. We believe that everyone has the ability to learn and to express themselves through the arts. The arts have amazing, transformative power for youth, adults, families, and communities regardless of abilities or prior experience.

Professional Learning

Engaging in professional learning is essential to teacher and student growth, not only in the arts, but in all areas. The educational landscape is constantly changing, the arts education field is rapidly evolving, and knowledge and resources for teaching and learning within each specific arts discipline are expanding. With this constant change, keeping your skills and knowledge current will give you and your students an advantage in achieving your goals.

“Kristina had joyful, passionate energy and it was contagious. I felt rejuvenated. She took concepts that I know to be true, yet feel unattainable in the classroom, and made them accessible and tangible.”

Participant in Professional Learning Session led by Curriculum Director Kristina Hill at 2023 NJPSA Arts Integration Leadership Institute